Saturday, April 20, 2013

New Challenges!

Today marks the beginning of a new 10 week challenge! This challenge I have created just for myself. I'm not competing with a team or against anyone but myself. I noticed that if I had something to work towards I was achieving my goals. So my new goal is to do 200 hours of activity/exercise in the 10 weeks and lose 10 lbs or 5%. If I am able to meet these goals, I am rewarding myself with either a massage or a mani/pedi. 

So to start off my first day of my new 10 week challenge, I am off to Des Moines this afternoon with some zumba friends for the Glow Run 5K. No I will not be running this! Someday I may run a 5K but not today. Thank goodness I wasn't planning on running anways. Wednesday I slipped on the wet deck taking out the garbage and really hurt my behind and my left ankle/foot. The foot wasn't too bad fact it is almost healed. But yesterday I saw the chiropractor to help put me back from falling down 3 steps. Good thing my foot is in walking condition! And thank goodness I fell on my behind and hurt my foot instead of my head! Not something you want to happen when you're home alone with the kids! 

Well I am off! Des Moines Glow Run here I come!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Live Healthy Iowa 10 Week Challenge Complete



The challenge started January 28th and ended April 5th. I lost 4.55% of my body weight. I had 175 hours 28 minutes of exercise activity over the challenge period. The challenge was very motivating. I am really glad that I did it. Now to keep the challenge going personally. Gotta try and meet my wedding anniversary goal. 9 more pounds to go! I am thinking of trying a Piyo class at the gym in the next week or two when I can get a yoga mat bought. Another goal I am going to try and achieve is drinking the amount of water needed to help boost my weight loss. I read an article today that says you should be drinking half of your body weight in water. That is 94.5 ounces every day! I have only been drinking about 40 so I need to double my water intake. It seems like an awful lot of water but I'm sure my body needs it. Some days I don't feel like I am thirsty and then by the end of the day I find that I've only drank about 12-16 ounces that day! Yikes! So here's to water! My new friend!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The past week has been a great week with family visiting from out of town. Both sets of parents visited. It has been awhile and was nice to have them around for a few days each. However, the week was filled with eating out at least once a day. So glad that doesn't happen very often. But on the positive side, I managed to not gain any weight while they were here! Even with eating some high calorie meals! Yay me! 

Then Saturday rolled around and I was so sick to my stomach. I hadn't ever had pain and nausea that way so Sunday morning I went to the doctor. He said I had a little flu bug but I'm not sure that was it. I never actually puked or ran a fever. So now that I am feeling much better, I am wondering if after not eating any fast food or hardly any restaurant food so often in a weeks time since December, I may have just been sick from all the unhealthiness I put in my body over the last week. So now seeing how great I feel when I don't eat out helps curb the desire and cravings of eating out. Which obviously seems like common sense but not having to cook can make eating out or take out enticing. 

So now the 10 week challenge is done. Over the challenge I have lost 4.55% which is about 9 lbs. Since January 1st I have lost 11 lbs. And since pre-Noah I have lost 21 lbs. Since post Noah I have lost 32 lbs. My goal is 130 so I have about 59 lbs to go! I'm pushing through and I have my eye on the prize! The prize of a fit and healthy body and a new wardrobe! Woohoo!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I hit another milestone. I am out of the 190's. Thank goodness! I hope I never see those numbers again! I'm finally doing something right! Still struggle sometimes but all the hard work is well worth it. 

We just finished Easter and its a joyous time remembering what Christ did for us on the cross so many years ago. But somehow with that comes all the candy and junk. And for us with family out of town, they tend to come and visit around Easter. With family  in town we are bound to eat out a few times. Boy does that kill one's calorie count for a day! So not only do you have the candy to say no to but you have to either eat what you want and push hard in the gym or do extra workouts or really number crunch or really know what to order to not ruin your day. I know that its okay to have a "cheat day" but I don't believe it should be "cheat days". So the in-laws came, I ate too much at lunches out. Now they have gone and my parents are arriving tomorrow. I'm trying to not let this be a "cheat week" but boy is it hard to not! 

Even though my calories these last few days have been blown, today is a new day and so is tomorrow. And my kids had a great weekend celebrating Christ's death, burial, and ressurection as well as spending time with Grandma Smith and Aunt Shoshannah.