Monday, April 7, 2014

On my way to be a Trim Healthy Mama

So as you already have noticed on my blog I have always been concerned with my weight and I did really well last year when I was doing the Live Healthy Iowa challenge. Then I took a break and gained the weight back unfortunately. Then I decided to the do the challenge again but my heart really wasn't in it like it was last year. I did really well but not as well on my activity time logged for the challenge but I just wasn't losing. Finally frustrated I pretty much gave up during that challenge that I just couldn't lose and it had to be my thyroid giving me problems. But I also saw a friend who was losing weight and talking about how she wasn't counting calories and still eating really yummy food! I was introduced to the idea back in November but reading into it, I saw different "rules" and I got overwhelmed and thought that it would be the exact same thing as counting calories and just as difficult. So I pushed the thought aside until mid-March. I finally said I need to eat differently to try and deal with my thyroid naturally since the doctor doesn't think I am in need of assistance and I don't want any medications anyways. So then talking to another friend, I found out that people with thyroid issues do this "diet" and have been able to lose weight and get off their medications! So that began my research of this so called diet. I found that it wouldn't hurt to try considering it was saying to avoid certain things that my research on eating for hypothyroidism also said to avoid!

So now I am living a new way of life. I am eating and not feeling guilty. I am losing not only pounds but inches! And I am not feeling deprived and not craving sugar anymore! How amazing is that!? Who would have thought this lifestyle would diminish my sugar cravings! I sleep better, have more energy, and just in general feeling healthier! So now that I am following the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle, I am eating cheese, butter, cheesecake, cream, and all sorts of yummy deliciousness while still losing and feeling great. And really after you do a little reading with it, its not so overwhelming anymore. It totally makes sense. I feel so free! Hopefully by mid May (about a month from now) I will be able to buy a new dress in a smaller size! Wouldn't that be amazing!?