Monday, January 6, 2014

Healthier Finances for the New Year

So this post I am going to talk about a different kind of health for this mommy. Instead of talking about losing weight, I'm going to talk about "gaining" some weight.  Healthier finances. I want to gain more weight in my finances meaning I want to cut out the unnecessary spending and focus on the saving. On January 1st, I started a spreadsheet to keep track of all the expenses that are outside of utilities, student loans, mortgage, etc that are constants (the ones that I have to pay or stuff gets shut off or sent to collections). So I am tracking all the eating out and date nights, groceries, hobbies and crafts items, medical bills/prescriptions, clothes, gas, and an other category. I've always looked for deals and ways to save but I have never logged exactly what I spent, where I spent it and what I spent it for. So even though I could go and look at my bank statement and kind of figure the same thing out, I made the spreadsheet so I could intentionally think about what I am buying and why and is it really necessary. So far so good. Granted we are only on day 6 of the new year, but I have had moments where I have said to myself, "No you don't need a candy bar." "No you don't need a pop." I've even said "no" to a playdate at McDonald's. So maybe in creating extra money weight, maybe I will be dropping some body weight because I am saying no to the extras!?

1 comment:

  1. It would be great if you share some of your recipes :)
